As a part of my teaching in 2022, I undertook multiple modules in the Introduction to Teaching and Learning course to inform, improve, and reflect upon my own teaching practice. Completing a total of 5 modules of this course awards the HEFi Horzion Award.
The modules I have completed are: ITL001 - Introduction to Teaching and Learning ITL003 - Small Group Teaching (Seminars) ITL004 - Principals of Assessment and Feedback ITL006 - Inclusive Teaching* ITL009 - Teaching International Students (in progress) *As a part of ITL006, I was awarded a badge to certify my commitment to the University of Birmingham Inclusive Educator initiative. It confirms that the badge holder has reflected on the definition and qualities of the UoB Inclusive Educator. They have identified and reflected on an example of their current inclusive practice.
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Are you a PhD student/ECR doing language-based research on a topic which may be considered 'sensitive' or 'taboo'? We (Sarah Turner, Jeannette Littlemore, and Samantha Ford) would love to see you at our Midlands4Cities-funded Dialogue Day! Final couple of days to register. For more info:
If you've already signed up for this symposium, don't forget to choose which breakout rooms you want to go to speak to relevant funders and stakeholders about applying your research. Make sure to let us know! You can also send us a poster about your research for feedback. We look forward to seeing you on Friday! I am pleased to announce that from September 2021 I will be teaching the Theories of Language module for the English Language (BA) degree course at the the University of Birmingham, English Language and Linguistics department, with Dr Joe Spencer-Bennett.
Module description The aims of this module are to provide first year undergraduate students of English Language with (a) a sound basic knowledge and understanding of the major theories of language that have been developed within the discipline of linguistics from the beginning of the 20th century up to the present day, and (b) a sound basic awareness of the key figures associated with each of these theoretical traditions. The module begins with an overview of the basic concepts of structuralist linguistics as laid down by Saussure, before moving on to consider the generativist approach established by Chomsky. We then focus on the two main alternatives to (and critiques of) generative linguistics: functionalism, particularly in the British tradition established by Firth (e.g. Halliday, Sinclair, Hoey) and the usage- based theories associated with cognitive linguistics (e.g. Langacker, Fillmore, Lakoff, Tomasello). Throughout the module students will be encouraged to think critically about each theoretical tradition, and to consider which of the linguistic theories they are introduced to they find the most compelling and/or useful. Training For this role, I will be undergoing teacher training for the that covers the following topics: - Introduction to Teaching and Learning ITL001 - Laboratory-based small group teaching: more information and to book ILT002 - Small group teaching: more information and to book ILT003 - Introduction to Assessment and Feedback: more information and to book ILT004 - Supporting diversity: more information and to book ILT006 Today I led a hands-on workshop on identifying metaphor in multimodal commercials using a presentation and breakout rooms at the Birmingham-Budapest Doctoral Seminar, 13.45-15.15 BST. The day was organised by Jeannette Littlemore and Rita Brdar-Szabó, and aimed to provide a forum for doctoral students studying at the universities of Birmingham and Budapest to share ideas and troubleshoot issues regarding methodology. The seminar hosted plenaries Dennis Tay and Asifa Majid, and many fascinating PhD talks. Thank you to everyone who came to my workshop at the Birmingham-Budapest Seminar! It was great to hear that delegates enjoyed analysing Evian water advertisements using FILMIP (the Filmic Metaphor Identification Procedure developed by Lorena Bort-Mir, 2019) and C-MIPVA (Creative Metaphor Identification Procedure in Video Ads developed by Pan & Tay, 2020). View the abstract for the workshop below:
October 2022