I conducted creative testing with the Pakistani community across the UK to measure attitudinal and behavioural responses to a NHS booster campaign prior to its launch. Key motivational factors for vaccine booster uptake were that (1) the vaccine was seen as an responsible act of care for one's family and community, (2) equal and authentic representation of genders was crucial, and (3) figurative messaging of 'in our blood' was appealing and persuasive. Other insights informed the campaign design.
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Samantha Ford, researcher, explains in a blog post for Big Cat Agency how creative testing revealed the balance of creative and figurative communication to encourage people from the West Midlands to take up cycling (or return to it). The campaign applied multiple behavioural biases and heuristics in its design.
Samantha says: "It is so rewarding to see the culmination of collaborative efforts with Big Cat Agency in our creative testing for West Midlands Cycle. We found that while sometimes simplicity is best, clarity can still be creative. The balanced use of figurative communication in the 'Yes I Wheel' cycling campaign encourages people to take up cycling in the West Midlands region of the UK."
Here's an article I wrote recently with Paula P Sobrino and Jeannette Littlemore on the power of negative advertising that subverts the typical use of figurative communication as positive persuasive devices. The article was published by Cambridge University Press.
October 2022